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"For the Son of Man came
not to be served but to serve,
and to give his life as a ransom
for many." (Mark 10:45)


March 30, 2025

Royal Ball and Pirate Cove

St. Louis Parish Activity Center

12:30-2:00 or 3:00-4:30

Tickets available January 2025

Rummage Sale

Although our Rummage Sale fundraiser happens in January, we collect donations all year! If you have items to donate, please call or text to arrange pick up or drop off of items:

Carrie 812-212-9477

Mike 812-212-4965

"We are dedicated to serving our community and creating a better world for everyone. Join us to make a positive impact."



Thank you for bringing us together to prepare for this mission trip.  Please bless us, and all of the people who assist us on our mission journey, as we work together as a community to serve You.  Help us to grow in our Catholic faith and strengthen us for the trials we may encounter.  Please help us to recognize our gifts and share them freely with those in need.  Thank you for Your guidance and love.


With our hands, Lord, 

may we work for You.

With our hearts, 

may we always be kind.

With our eyes, 

may we search far and wide for the good You 

would like us to find.

With our mouths, 

may we speak loving things.

With our ears, 

may we hear what is true.

With our minds, 

may we be wise enough to live our whole lives for You.


Sign Up with our team

Eligible Teens must be in 8-12 grades during the Fall before the mission trip, must attend Mass at St. Louis, St. Anthony, St. Nicholas, Holy Family, or another area Catholic Church and be available for monthly Sunday meetings as well as fundraising events.

Royal Ball Cast

Each member of our mission team is responsible for raising the funds needed for their trip. It costs around $750 for each team member which includes the workcamp fee, transportation, tools,  food, and misc. expenses. Most expenses are covered by monthly fundraisers. 

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The TriForce Mission Team provides the youth of our Church with an opportunity to help people experience God’s love by stepping outside their comfort zone and performing home repairs for the less fortunate


Your donation helps us to continue making a positive impact on communities in need.

2025 TriForce Mission Team 

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